CALISTA is a catalog of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara's applications.
You can download applications' User Guides here.
20-Sep-2023 / DATABASE / 427 Views
Here you can find the most frequently asked questions and their answers.
You can report bugs by using our ticketing system at
We use a wide range of technology, including: web, mobile, nfc, GPS, a little bit of NLP and image processing
Untuk Melakukan Reset password SSO (MyUMN,WiFi,Elearning,Gapura,Helpdesk) dapat melakukan tahapan berikut : Membuka -->. Pilih/Klik ""Change or Forgot your password?"" 3. Pilih/Klik Tombol Hijau ""Forgotten Password"" 4. Input email UMN, kemudian tekan tombol ""Search"" 5. Akan muncul pesan berikut ""To verify your identity, a security code has been sent to you. Please click the link in the email or copy and paste the security code here."" 6. Input Kode unik yang dikirim ke email UMN. Jika password email UMN lupa, bisa melakukan tahapan yang sudah tersedia 7. Jika berhasil tekan ""Agree"" kemudian ""Continue"" 8. Input Password Baru dan tekan ""Change Password""
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